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Laundry Tips

July 23, 2024

Streamline Your Back-to-School Closet Clean Out with Crawford Laundry

The back-to-school season is a busy time for parents, filled with shopping for supplies, organizing schedules, and ensuring that everything is ready for the new school year. One major task that can be particularly overwhelming is the back-to-school closet clean out. Crawford Laundry is here to help make this process easier with our specialized services designed to support busy parents during this hectic time.

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Laundry Tips

July 15, 2024

The Convenience of Our Wash & Fold Service for Busy Professionals

In today's fast-paced world, finding time for everyday tasks can be a challenge, especially for busy professionals. Balancing work, family, and personal life often leaves little room for chores like laundry. That's where Crawford Laundry's wash & fold service comes in, offering a convenient and time-saving solution tailored for busy professionals in the Athens, GA area.

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Laundry Tips

How to Prepare Your Laundry for Pickup Day with Crawford Laundry

At Crawford Laundry, we aim to make your laundry experience as seamless and convenient as possible. To ensure that your laundry is processed efficiently and meets all your specific needs, it's important to prepare your items correctly for pickup. Whether you're a new customer or a long-time client, following these simple steps will help us deliver the best service.